Cristina Gil Sanz.

Group Leader.

Cristina earned a Degree in Biology from the University of Valencia, receiving the Special Award of Degree. After graduation she joined the laboratory of Alfonso Fairén at the Instituto de Neurociencias of Alicante to pursue her PhD in Neuroscience. There she worked characterizing the role of a metabotropic glutamate receptor regulating cortical development and synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus. She conducted her postdoctoral training in the Müller laboratory at The Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, California. In the Müller laboratory she worked studying the mechanisms regulating neuronal migration and neural stem cell specification. After a short period at Jonhs Hopkins University in Baltimore, where she was recruited as Research Assistant Professor, in 2017 she joined the Universidad de Valencia, Department of Cell Biology as a Ramón y Cajal group leader.

Isabel Mateos White.

PhD Student.

Isabel studied Biology at the University of Salamanca and she conducted a Master’s degree in Neurosciences at the University of Valencia. She joined our lab in 2017 to conduct her Master’s thesis studying the role of adhesion molecules regulating different aspects of cortical development. She earned a Garantia Juvenil contract from the Valencian Government to study the role of gene candidates in stem cell specification using in utero electroporation. She is also conducting her PhD studying the activation dynamics of subventricular zone neural stem cells during the postnatal development.

David de Agustín Durán.

PhD Student.

David studied Biochemistry and a MSc in Neurobiology both at the Complutense University, in Madrid. During his last undergraduate years, he collaborated on the study of the implication of purinergic signaling in the regulation of adult neurogenesis at the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of the Veterinary Faculty. After that, he earned a FPI contract of the Spanish Ministry of Science and joined our lab in 2019. He started his PhD investigating the role of different genes regulating the behaviour of cortical neural stem cells during embryonic development.

Jaime Fabra Beser.

PhD Student.

Jaime holds a Degree in Biotechnology from the University of Valencia and a Master in Research and Development in Biotechnology and Biomedicine from the same University. He joined our laboratory in 2018 where he conducted his final degree project. In 2019 he performed his master’s thesis working on the characterization of the molecular mechanisms regulating cortical radial glia cells specification.

Cristina Andrés Carbonell.

Lab Manager.

Cristina holds a Higher Education degree on Pathological Anatomy and Cytology from the Center of Studies Juste in Valencia. Previously to join our laboratory she worked as technician at the Molecular Neurobiology laboratory at the University of Valencia.

Alba Marín Garnes.

Undergraduate collaborator.

Alba is a Biotechnology student at the University of Valencia. She joined our lab in 2019 where is collaborating in the study of different candidate genes regulating cortical development.